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Fans of western style costumes and the Westworld TV show looking for a fancy dress idea could make their own Hector Escaton costume. A Hector Escaton costume is a fantastic idea for fancy dress or halloween.
Hector Escaton Costume – Westworld
A Hector Escaton costume requires you to dress like a cowboy complete with cowboy hat and boots. This is quite an easy costume to make with the hardest item of clothing to find being the jacket worn by the character. Here is everything you will need to make your own Hector Escaton costume from Westworld.
Hector Escaton Jacket
A very uniquely styled jacket will be needed when making your own homemade Hector Escaton costume.
This should be a black leather jacket which fastens at the side rather than the middle. Replicas of the Hector Escaton jacket can be bought. |
Hector Escaton Pants
While the character is seen wearing a variety of pants in Westworld we would recommend choosing a pair of formal style black pants.
These pants should feature a pinstripe and should be worn with the legs pushed into the boots you will need. |
Hector Escaton Hat
A cowboy hat will be required for this Westworld costume.
The hat worn by the character appears to be suede and is a dark brown color with patterns engraved into the material. |
Hector Escaton Gloves
You will also need a pair of gloves for this Westworld costume.
Here you should be looking to find a pair of black leather gloves just like the character wears in the show. |
Hector Escaton Boots
In terms of footwear you will need a pair of boots for this costume.
These should be cowboy boots which, if possible, should reach just below your knees. They should also be a dark brown color. |
Hector Escaton Rifle
This character is seen to carry a rifle so you will need to replicate this for your Hector Escaton costume.
We would never advise the use of real rifle. Instead we would recommend you use a toy rifle, replica rifle, or airsoft rifle. |
Hector Escaton Rifle Scabbard
The final part of this costume is a rifle scabbard which the character uses to carry his rifle.
This should be worn over your shoulder with the rifle carried on your back just like the character in the Westworld show. |
See more Westworld costumes here.