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American Horror Story has certainly provided some excellent fancy dress ideas, especially for halloween. One such idea is making your own DIY Montana Duke costume from American Horror Story: 1984. A Montana Duke costume is easy to make and works great as a group costume if friends want to dress as other AHS characters.
Montana Duke Costume – American Horror Story: 1984
For you to dress like Montana Duke you will need clothing which has a very 1980’s style to it. You will also need to style your hair like you would have back int he 80’s. This guide lists everything you will need to make your own homemade DIY Montana Duke costume from American Horror Story: 1984.
Montana Duke Dress
We will start with the dress you will need for your Montana Duke costume.
This should be a short mini dress with thin shoulder straps. It should feature a leopard print pattern. |
Montana Duke Jacket
You will also need a jacket for this American Horror Story costume.
This should be a blue leather jacket. |
Montana Duke Boots
For footwear you will need a pair of cowboy boots.
We would recommend that you choose a pair of black cowboy boots like the character wears in American Horror Story. |
Montana Duke Belt
A belt will be required for your Montana Duke costume.
This should be quite a thin belt with a very 19080’s style about it. Black with silver plastic studs will look great. |
Montana Duke Necklace
You will need several necklaces for your Montana Duke costume.
The character wears several necklaces which range in length. Some are made from a black string band while others are made from a silver band. |
Montana Duke Bracelet
Like the necklace you will need for this American Horror Story costume the bracelets should also have a 80’s styling to them.
This character wears several bracelets which resemble her belt. |
Montana Duke Wig – Montana Duke Hair
Finally you will need to consider your hairstyle for this American Horror Story costume.
You should certainly have blonde hair in a 1980’s style. For many people the easiest thing to do here is to buy a wig. |
Check out more American Horror Story costume ideas here.