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If you are looking for a really cool costume idea and happen to be a fan of the TV show, Doom Patrol, why not make your own homemade Negative Man costume. This costume looks a lot harder to make yourself than it actually is. It is a fantastic idea for adults and children and great for halloween or fancy dress.
Negative Man Costume – Doom Patrol
A Negative Man costume is based around the long trench coat the character wears and the bandages that he covers himself in. Other than that you will only need a handful of other clothing to make your own Negative Man costume. Here is a complete list of everything you will need to make your own Negative Man costume from Doom Patrol.
Negative Man Trench Coat
Possibly the most important item of clothing you will need for this Doom Patrol costume is the Negative Man jacket. It is actually a Negative Man Trench coat that you will need.
This is a long green trench coat with a fur lining and collar. |
Negative Man Sweater
You will need a turtle neck sweater for this Doom Patrol costume.
Here you should be looking for a turtle neck sweater which green and is made from wool. |
Negative Man Pants
You will need a specific style and color of pants for this fancy dress.
You should look for a pair of grey pants which can be formal style pants, combat pants, or jeans.
The most important part of the pants is they must be grey. |
Negative Man Boots
You will need an unusual style of boots for this costume.
Here you should be looking to find a pair of military style boots that are black. Ideally, you should look for a pair of knee high boots with your pants tucked inside them. |
Negative Man Gloves
A pair of fingerless gloves are required for this costume.
The gloves that you will need should be black, made from leather and should be fingerless. |
Negative Man Sunglasses
In Doom Patrol the character wears a very unusual style of sunglasses.
The character wears a pair of specifically styled sunglasses with a strap that goes around the back of your head. |
Negative Man Belt
If you want your Negative Man costume to be 100% screen accurate you will need a belt.
This belt should be black and should with a simple buckle at the front. |
Negative Man Bandages
The final part of making your own Negative Man costume is possibly the most important.
Here you will need a large roll of bandages. These bandages should be wrapped around your head and neck with only your eyes not covered. You should also wrap bandages around your fingers since they will be visible in your fingerless gloves. |
See more Doom Patrol costumes here.