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A Serena Waterford costume is a great fancy dress idea for anyone who is a fan of The Handmaid’s Tale who does not want to go with the most obvious choice of character. In many ways making your own Serena Waterford costume is very much like the June Osborne costume with the main difference being the color of the clothes you will need.
Serena Waterford Costume – The Handmaid’s Tale
When you make your own homemade Serena Waterford costume you will need to dress conservatively. You will also need clothes that are a teal blue in color. Here is a complete list of everything you will need to make your own Serena Waterford costume from The Handmaid’s Tale.
Serena Waterford Dress
The first item of clothing you will need for this The Handmaid’s Tale costume is a dress like the character wears in the TV show.
This dress should be teal blue and should feature long sleeves and should be long enough to reach at least your calves. |
Serena Waterford Cloak
Next you will need a cloak which this character wears as a coat when she is outdoors.
Like the dress this cloak should be blue in color only a slightly darker blue than the dress. It should also be long enough to hang around your ankles revealing only your feet. |
Serena Waterford Gloves
A pair of gloves will also be required for this Handmaid’s Tale costume.
The gloves worn by this character are colored to closely match the dress you will be wearing. They also appear to made from leather and are around elbow length. |
Serena Waterford Pantyhose
If you want your Serena Waterford costume to be 100% screen accurate you will need a pair of pantyhose.
These pantyhose should be skin colored just like the character wears at all times in The Handmaid’s Tale. |
Serena Waterford High Heels
The final part of this Handmaid’s Tale fancy dress is choosing the shoes that you will need to choose and wear.
These should be the same color as your dress or cloak. They should also be high heels and be slip-on office style shoes. Ideally, they should be suede. |
See more The Handmaid’s Tale costumes here.