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If you want to make your own April O’Neil costume as portrayed by Megan Fox in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie you have the choice of two outfits. You can make an April O’Neil costume based on her wearing the yellow jacket. Alternatively, you could make your April O’Neil costume based on Megan Fox wearing the sexy schoolgirl uniform.
April O’Neil Costume – Yellow Jacket
The first April O’Neil costume we will look at is based on Megan Fox wearing the yellow jacket. This is very similar to the characters outfit as seen in the cartoon version of the movie. Here is everything you will need to make this version of the April O’Neil costume.
April O’Neil Jacket
The most important part of this costume is finding a jacket worn by Megan Fox in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.
You should be looking for an official replica or a simple yellow leather jacket and wear it unfastened at the front. |
April O’Neil Hoodie
Under the leather jacket you will be wearing you will need to wear a hoodie with a zip front.
This hoodie should be a dark color and unfastened at the front. The hood should be worn outside the leather jacket. |
April O’Neil T-Shirt
You will need a t-shirt to wear under the hoodie you will be wearing.
It is most likely possible to find an identical t-shirt to the one worn by Megan Fox in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. However, a simple light grey t-shirt will work just as well. |
April O’Neil Jeans
A pair of denim jeans will be needed for this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume.
You should choose a pair of black denim jeans which are skinny jeans. These jeans should be worn tucked into the boots that you will be wearing. |
April O’Neil Boots
A pair of knee high boots will be required for your April O’Neil costume.
In the movie Megan Fox wears a pair of black high heel knee high boots. You should look for a pair that are similar to the ones she wears. Ideally, with a block high heel. |
April O’Neil Nail Varnish
The most important item of makeup that you will need for your April O’Neil costume is nail varnish.
Megan Fox wears green nail varnish in the movie and you should replicate this. |
April O’Neil Costume – Megan Fox Schoolgirl Uniform
The April O’Neil schoolgirl costume is the sexier of the two costumes that Megan Fox wears in the movie. This costume is based on a short scene in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie where Megan Fox wears a schoolgirl uniform. Here is everything you will need to make this Megan Fox schoolgirl uniform costume.
April O’Neil Cardigan
The first item of clothing you will need for this Megan Fox schoolgirl costume is a cardigan.
This cardigan should be quite short and should also be black. It should be worn with the sleeves rolled further up than the shirt you will be wearing and unfastened at the front. |
April O’Neil Shirt
Next you will need a tight fitting shirt for this April O’Neil schoolgirl costume.
This should be a white shirt which has a v-neck and is tied in a bow at the front making it a three quarter length top which reveals your stomach. You should roll the sleeves up and have them just visible from the cardigan. |
April O’Neil Skirt
A short skirt will be needed to complete the sexy schoolgirl look seen in the movie.
Megan Fox wears a short pleated skirt which has a tartan pattern which features dark blue and green colors. You should look for a similar styled and colored skirt for your April O’Neil costume. |
April O’Neil Stockings
You will need a pair of stockings for your April O’Neil costume.
In the movie Megan Fox wears a pair of black opaque stockings on her legs. You should look for a pair opaque stocking which do not require suspenders to hold them up. |
April O’Neil High Heels
The final item you will need for this Megan Fox schoolgirl costume is a pair of high heels.
These should be stiletto high heels which are black and are the kind of shoes you would wear to an office job. |
See more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costumes here.