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A Hugh Hefner costume is possibly the most chilled out and relaxed fancy dress you could decide to make yourself. After all you will basically need to be dressed in pyjamas. A Hugh Hefner costume is also a great costume idea for couples if your partner will dress in a Playboy Bunny costume.
Hugh Hefner Costume
Making your own Hugh Hefner costume is quite easy. You will need to buy some specific clothing then you will have a great fancy dress that can be used for halloween or a fancy dress party. Here is a complete list of everything you will need to make your own Hugh Hefner costume.
Hugh Hefner Jacket
As you would have guessed the most important part of this Hugh Hefner fancy dress is the jacket that he always wore.
This is actually a smoking jacket which was dark red. You can use an actual smoking jacket or even a dressing gown. |
Hugh Hefner Pyjamas
Under the smoking jacket that you will be wearing you will need a pair of black silk pyjamas.
You could actually just wear a pair of formal black pants if you choose but silk pyjamas will look best. |
Hugh Hefner Slippers
Since Hugh Hefner was often seen in his pyjamas he was also seen wearing slippers.
If a pair of black slippers are not practical you can also use a pair of black slip-on skate shoes. |
Hugh Hefner Hat
A really nice touch to any Hugh Hefner fancy dress is if you wear a sailors cap just like he used to.
It is possible to buy hats that are identical to the one that Hugh Hefner wore. |
Hugh Hefner Pipe
Hugh Hefner was often seen smoking a pipe.
We would recommend that you use a pipe for your fancy dress although you do not need to use tobacco. This is merely a prop. |
Hugh Hefner Sunglasses
A pair of sunglasses is an optional part of your Hugh Hefner fancy dress.
They are a really nice touch but not essential. If you decide to use sunglasses then we would recommend a pair of aviator style sunglasses. |
Hugh Hefner Complete Costume
There is also the option of buying a readymade Hugh Hefner costume.
It is possible to buy various different versions of this costume which, in most cases, come with everything you will need. |
See more Playboy costumes here.