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A Myrtle Snow costume is a fantastic choice of costume for halloween which can also be used as a fancy dress. It is based on a character, portrayed by Frances Conroy, In American Horror Story: Coven. In this TV show the character is the Head of the Witches Council.
Myrtle Snow Costume – American Horror Story: Coven
When it comes to dressing like Myrtle Snow for your Myrtle Snow costume you will need somewhat flamboyant clothing. Such clothing is quite easy to source and buy. The end result will give you an incredibly unique and exceptionally cool witch costume. Below is every item of clothing you will need to make your own DIY Myrtle Snow costume from American Horror Story: Coven.
Myrtle Snow Dress
We will start with the dress that you will need when making your Myrtle Snow costume.
This should be a long dress, hanging at least to your knees, and should have long sleeves. It should feature a polka dot pattern. The dress should be white with black polka dots. |
Myrtle Snow Scarf
You will also need a scarf for your Myrtle Snow costume.
This scarf should closely match the dress you have chosen. It should be white with black polka dots and should be worn over the top of the cape jacket you will need. |
Myrtle Snow Cape Jacket
Over the top of the polka dot dress you are wearing you will need a black cape jacket.
This should be worn fastened at the front with your scarf over the top of it. |
Myrtle Snow Gloves
While it is only one episode of American Horror Story that we see this character wearing yellow gloves they look great when making a Myrtle Snow costume. This is because they are so bright and really burn into your memory. |
Myrtle Snow Boots
It is difficult to get a clear picture of the boots that this character wears as in American Horror Story there are not and shots that clearly show her feet.
Here we would recommend a pair of knee high boots which are either yellow or brown. |
Myrtle Snow Eyeglasses
The eyeglasses that you will need for your Myrtle Snow costume are very unique in their style.
Here you should be looking for a pair of cat eye style eyeglasses. Very much the style that you would expect to see an old lady wearing. |
Myrtle Snow Belt
The belt worn by this character is worn over the top of the cape jacket she wears.
While the belt worn by the character has a gold buckle it is worth noting that as long as you choose a black belt your Myrtle Snow costume will look great. |
Myrtle Snow Hair – Myrtle Snow Wig
Possibly the most difficult and unique part of this American Horror Story costume is the hairstyle of this character.
As this is a somewhat flamboyant it is hardly a surprise that her hair mimics this style. The easiest thing here is to buy a red frizzy wig. |
Check out more American Horror Story costume ideas here.