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A homemade DIY Running Forrest Gump costume is a great choice of fancy dress for any fan of the movie. It is also a highly unique costume as it is an interesting twist on a classic movie character portrayed by Tom Hanks.
Running Forrest Gump Costume – Forrest Gump
Out of all ways you could create a Forrest Gump fancy dress a Running Forrest Gump fancy dress is possibly the easiest and cheapest to make. Below we have detailed everything you will need to make your own homemade DIY Running Forrest Gump costume.
Running Forrest Gump T-Shirt
You have two choices of t-shirts that you can wear for your Running Forrest Gump costume.
You can choose a yellow Nike t-shirt or a yellow polo neck t-shirt. |
Running Forrest Gump Shorts
You will need a pair of shorts for this Running Forrest Gump fancy dress.
These should be red shorts. If you can find a pair of red shorts with a white lining then they will be perfect. |
Running Forrest Gump Sneakers
In the movie Tom Hanks wears a pair of retro looking white sneakers.
These sneakers are Nike Classic Cortex sneakers.
These Nike sneakers are still available for sale. |
Running Forrest Gump Socks
Like the sneakers you will be wearing you will need a pair of retro looking socks.
These should be white sport socks and shoudl have stripes around the top. |
Running Forrest Gump Hat
No Running Forrest Gump fancy dress would ever be complete without a baseball cap.
This baseball cap should be red with the Bubba Gump logo on the front. |
Running Forrest Gump Beard
If you have the time you could always grow your hair and beard to replicate the appearance of the character in the movie.
An easier option would be to wear a wig and fake beard. |
Running Forrest Gump Complete Costume
If you are short on time there is always the option of buying a readymade Running Forrest Gump fancy dress.
There are a range of such costumes available in adult and child sizes. |
See more Forrest Gump costumes here.